Sunday, 28 March 2010

Twist & Shunt

It was back to the swinging sixties at the Great Central Railway this weekend, with an impressive line up of motive power and workings to keep visitors entertained. Steam and diesel locos were rostered together with a two-car Met-Cam DMU, and along with passenger services the GCR ran some freight and parcels diagrams.

There was plenty of action during the day with five steam locos, two diesels and the DMU in operation. Notable amongst the line up was class 25 D5185 that I last saw, ironically enough, in the Nene Valley sixties gala back in September. Standard 2-6-4T 80072, recently returned to steam was looking great, along with my personal favourite 5690 Leander and, top of the bill, 60163 Tornado which is an enjoying a short holiday on the line before taking up mainline duties after Easter. Not having seen Tornado before (am I the only one left?), this was a must-see. And I have to say that I’m very impressed by this awesome locomotive.

My day began at Kinchley Lane in very dull and threatening weather, but the rain stayed away even if the wind didn’t. When things improved I ventured down to Woodthorpe before rounding off the day at Quorn station. I was pleased to see that all trains were well patronised, but surprised at the rather low number of photographers who turned out. Mind you, this was a good thing for me personally as it meant that many good vantage points were available and I didn’t end up photographing elbows, backpacks and beer bellies that so often occurs at such events.

My plan was almost entirely based around videoing the trains, so still photos had to take a back seat. The end results of the shoot are extremely good on the Quicktime player, but inevitably suffer from loss of quality after conversion to a format suitable for editing. Not an easy problem to get round while Microsoft and Apple refuse to allow cross-compatibility between their products. As I started with a Beatles song, I’ll end on one – Help!


  1. Just for a moment, I thought the header to this post was a photograph of a model....very nice capture indeed. The GC is one line Mrs RM and I mean to visit...there are some Flickr photographers who seem to be regular linesiders and it looks superb. I am now the last person in Britain yet to see Tornado!! chiz chiz. Looking forward to your video.

  2. So I wasn't the last one?! Definitely worth the wait I'd say. I'd recommend the GCR; with its double track mainline you have the feeling of being back in the very days you've just blogged about! Especially when they do the predominantly LMS based events. There's an excellent GCR photosite at I used this to find the vantage points I use for photography - unfortunately there aren't many due to cuttings and the large amount of lineside vegetation. Bring some shears with you!


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